Q&A with an Intern

Alex Brown is our Cardiology Intern here at Paragon Referrals.

Graduating in 2021 from Trakia University in Bulgaria, Alex returned to the UK to work in general practice initially. Over the following two years, he gained experience in all areas of clinical practice and began developing his love for cardiology. Alex moved to Paragon in 2023, completing the rotating internship before joining the cardiology team in 2024. He is passionate about all areas of cardiology both medical and interventional, and aims to continue his cardiology journey with a residency in the near future.

First question – why cardiology?

I’ve really been taken by cardiology ever since I had my first real introduction to it in my career, and since that point I’ve tried to increase my exposure as much as possible. As a starting point, I have always loved ultrasound, and echocardiography brings a unique challenge in terms of the remarkable amount of detailed information we can discover from one organ, as well as the beautiful images. Since moving into referral practice, I’ve seen all the other interesting aspects to cardiology and the blend of medicine, imaging and even surgery, as well as the weird and wonderful people who work in cardio!

What do you hope to gain from this internship?

This internship gives me the chance to improve my cardio-specific competency in a way I haven’t been able to before. Focusing on this one area, and working together with renowned cardiology diplomates, means I’ll hopefully be able to rapidly improve my knowledge and skills. I hope to be better prepared for residency applications, which are obviously really competitive, and better prepared to succeed during my residency.

What are your future plans and aspirations in the field of cardiology?

Ultimately, my dream is to spend my days performing scans, repairing broken hearts, and working with owners to improve the lives of dogs and cats with all sorts of cardiac issues. To get to that point, it will mean completing the 3-year residency programme and quite a lot of studying! In the short term, I will try to gain as much as possible from my internship to put myself in the best position for the next few years.

Lastly, why did you choose Paragon for your internship?

My journey at Paragon began with the rotating internship, and it was during that year that my interest in cardio really took off. The entire cardio team is incredibly supportive, and I’ve learned so much even in the short time I’ve spent with them so far. The cardiology service at Paragon is widely respected and is one of the busiest in the UK in terms of minimally-invasive surgical interventions. Plus, being part of Linnaeus means regularly getting to collaborate with other specialists, residents and interns within the group, with dedicated time for case discussions, journal clubs, book clubs and imaging rounds. Putting it all together makes this the best place for me to learn and grow.

Learn more about our Cardiology service here http://www.paragonreferrals.co.uk/our-services/cardiology/

Interested in an internship at Paragon? Find out more here: http://www.paragonreferrals.co.uk/vacancies/internships-programme/