Herpesvirus Keratitis/Conjunctivitis

Why has my cat got watery discharge from its eyes?

A very common cause of watery discharge from one or both eyes in cats, is infectious conjunctivitis (inflammatory process of the pink tissue surrounding the eyes and eyelids). The most common causes of conjunctivitis include Feline Herpesvirus-1, frequently, secondary bacterial infections with Chlamydia, and Mycoplasma may ensue.

Why does it occur?

Cats are commonly infected during/at birth or at very young age. The viral infection spreads to nerve tissue (especially in the ocular surface) and the respiratory tract. Commonly, signs of sneezing, coughing and nasal discharge are noted at the same time as discharge from the eyes becomes evident.

Can both eyes be affected?

Yes, usually both eyes are affected. However, one eye may be more severely affected than the other.

Are any breeds predisposed?

There is no clear breed predisposition, as any cat can develop this condition, however we tend to see herpesvirus infections predominantly in younger cats.

Can I develop this infection? Are my kids at risk?

No, Herpesvirus infections are species specific. This means that you can’t be infected by your cat and vice versa, if you have chronic cold-sores, your cat will not pick up a herpesvirus infection from you.

What treatment options do I have?

Treatment of herpesvirus infection can be long-lasting and frustrating, as there is no cure for this infection. It is in the nature of the virus to persist throughout the host’s life, returning to the dormant (latent) stages between active “flare-ups”. However, there are several kinds of topical (eye drops) and systemic (tablets) medications, including antivirals, antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections and anti-inflammatories available, to reduce the severity of the infection and ease the symptoms.

What happens if I do nothing?

If left untreated, chronic herpesvirus keratitis/conjunctivitis may result in chronic deep ulcerations, which may result in loss of vision or the eye itself. The process is usually painful. If you have any further questions regarding this or any other condition feel free to ask us during the consultation, or contact us by phone or email.